A definite article is used before a noun to specify it as something previously considered (e.g., the chair). A. True B. False 2 not attemptedSelect the definite article. A. Any B. The C. An 3 not attemptedSelect the sentence with a definite article. A. Brazil is the largest ...
The meaning of DEFINITE is free of all ambiguity, uncertainty, or obscurity. How to use definite in a sentence. Spelling: It's Definite NOT Definate Synonym Discussion of Definite.
Let's look at an example sentence: Can you give me the book on the table. We use THE in this sentence because the phrase "on the table" tells the listener which book we are referring to. We are not talking about other books, we are talking about a specific book that the listener ...
The definite article definition can be phrased as words placed before singular and plural nouns, referring to a specific/particular thing or person. An example of a definite article in English is the article "the." A definite article is used in various ways, such as: Identifying a person or...
Let’s see an example: “I have found a golf course in Bayron area. The golf course is quite widespread.” Let’s break this one down- Here in the first sentence, the golf course is being mentioned for the first time. It’s context is not set before, it’s brand new information....
They would be acceptable if, for example, you changed the preposition "in" to "throughout". Sentence 3A is incorrect. It doesn't make sense (because there is not a single railway or a single airplane in the world), and the grammmar is wrong (because a singular subject normally requires...
Let us review first how we usually use comparatives. They are adjectives -- words that give more information about, or describe, a noun. Here is an example: Marco's New Year's party this year was bigger than last year. ...
When a language is the subject of a sentence—the thing being talked about—it needs a definite article. For example: Elruso es el más dificil idioma que he estudiado.(Russian is the most difficult language I have studied.) Elespañol yeljaponés son mis idiomas favoritos.(Spanish and ...
perhaps that's also why the example sentence demands a definite article? But that's probably not the point the author of the Learner's Guide was making.) But your more urgent point seems to be not so much the in/definiteness of the article, but rather what noun phrase...
Yes, Le should start with a capital -L as it is at the beginning of a sentence. However, we accept it with a small 'l' because we are not testing punctuation but the use of the definite article here. Bonne Continuation ! Like011 months ago Share Sign in to submit your answer Don'...