C++ - Vector C++ - Pointer C++ - 'this' Pointer C++ Classes & Objects C++ - Class C++ - Program Structure With Classes C++ - OOP’s C++ - Objects as Function Arguments C++ - Procedure Vs OOL C++ - Object Vs Class C++ - Creating Objects C++ - Constructors C++ - Copy Constructor C++ ...
Hello, when trying to use clang-tidy on our work codebase, I stumbled on a bug that persists until the latest clang-tidy (I built it from source yesterday). Example snippet (bug_example.cpp): ```cpp #include <vector> struct Foo { std::vector<Foo> bar; // bool operator==(const F...
Simply pass in your custom help as a string argument to structopt::app#include <structopt/app.hpp> struct Options { // positional arguments std::string input_file; std::string output_file; // optional arguments std::optional<std::string> bind_address; // remaining arguments std::vector<...
// #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <ciso646> #include <fstream> #include <functional> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; //--- template < typename ValueType, typename StreamA = basic_ostream <char, char_trait...
Simply pass in your custom help as a string argument to structopt::app#include <structopt/app.hpp> struct Options { // positional arguments std::string input_file; std::string output_file; // optional arguments std::optional<std::string> bind_address; // remaining arguments std::vector<...