A small macro for defining lazy evaluated static variables in Rust. - rust-lang-nursery/lazy-static.rs
The options for the diff driver "foo" are defined by the configuration variables in the "diff.foo" section of the Git config file. Defining an external diff driver The definition of a diff driver is done in gitconfig, not gitattributes file, so strictly speaking this manual page is a ...
in K8s env. Automatically convert backend application related environment variables' content to configmaps, secrets, etc. to make the generated backend compatible to K8s of any flavor (K8s, K3s, TalOS, etc.) and also auto configs to support integration with Vault, cert-manager, external secrets...
Futhermore the study identifies variables (e.g. organization's dimension, profile) towards a HR system is designed. In order to achieve this purpose structured interviews were conducted among Romanian HR experts (practitioners and academics). Results show that HR systems framework in Romanian context...