Sample Rule Schema { "id": "<rule id>", // Generated for creation and can be used for updation, "name": "<rule name>", "description": "<rule description>", "version": "<rule version>", "owner": "<rule owner>", // a string field which denotes the owner who created this "...
复制 Description:Acomponent required a beanoftype'com.example.democrud.democurd.usermapper.DaoMapper'that could not be found.Error creating beanwithname'userServiceImpl':Action:Consider defining a beanoftype'com.example.democrud.democurd.usermapper.DaoMapper'inyour configuration. 我自己解决方式:在pom...
you can't extend anything else. And it's not as if you really need that inherited Thread class behavior because in order to use a thread you'll need to instantiate one anyway.