my servant.” Jacob is also known as “Israel”. Specifically, chapter 38 speaks of a great battle in which the enemies of Israel ally together with one common purpose which is to annihilate Israel. (This is not Armageddon which comes at a later time. I would recommend this essay on the...
Five years ago, novelist and essayist Trey Ellis wrote an essay called “The New Black Aesthetic” for Callaloo, a black literary magazine published at the University of Kentucky. While in his early 20s, Ellis had created something of a stir with his first novel, “Platitudes,” an over-th...
“The Gulen Institute, Institute of Interfaith Dialog, Turquoise Center, and more locally theRaindrop Turkish Houses, along with others either directly or indirectly affiliated with Gulen have, as their apparent mission, to seek out leadership positions and officials at all levels of government and ...
Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim BrotherhoodandSeyyid Qutb, both Egyptians, carried on the torch of fundamentalism throughout Sunni Islam by their writings and leadership from the 1920’s until Qutb’s execution in 1965 for sedition against the government of Egypt. This influence is more ...