This paper proposes a new tool for decision support to address geometric over-constrained problems in Computer Aided Design (CAD). It concerns the declarative modeling of geometrical problems. The core of the coordinate free solver used to solve the Geometric Constraint Satisfaction Problem (GCSP) ...
27页 2财富值 problems as Constraint S... 暂无评价 4页 免费如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功能问题或意见建议,请点击此处进行反馈。 Defining media enjoyment as the satisfaction of intrinsic needs 隐藏>> Journal of Communication ISSN 0021-9916 ORIGINAL ARTICLE De?ning Media Enjoyment ...
Two seminal assumptions underpinning OWL are the Open-World Assumption (OWA) and the non-Unique Name Assumption (non-UNA). Nevertheless, these assumptions render the use of OWL cumbersome when reasoning aboutconstraint satisfaction. Consider, for example, the KB\( {\mathcal{R}} \)above.\( {\...
This paper proposes a new tool for decision support to address geometric over-constrained problems in Computer Aided Design (CAD). It concerns the declarative modeling of geometrical problems. The core of the coordinate free solver used to solve the Geometric Constraint Satisfaction Problem (GCSP) ...
When paired with the pressure on planners to consider problems relating to ongoing urban sprawl, ageing infrastructure challenges, and the potential for densification, using urban planning as a method to set parameters on a transport ‘imagined future’ would ensure that any developments are routed ...