Defining clauses 和Non-difining clauses 的区别 1.In defining relative clauses, the pronouns who, whom and which are often replaced by that in spoken English. In non-defining relative clauses you cannot replace other pronouns with that.2. You cannot omit the relative pronoun in non-...
⑦Join the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun anddecide if the new sentence has a defining (D)or a non-defining(ND)clause.Grammar RELATIVE CLAUSES( Ⅲ): DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES ⑤Read these sentences and discuss which word(s) in the sentences the clauses(in italics) ...
and they are used mainly in writing rather than speech. Defining clauses Non-defining clauses People Things People Things Subject who / that I do not like people who / that talk about themselves all the time. which / that Is that the car which / that used to belong to your uncle Marti...
Sometimes defining and non-defining relative clauses can look very similar but have different meanings. Compare 原文链接:Relative clauses: defining and non-defining - Cambridge Grammar
Non-defining clauses never usethat. Examples: Defining:The hotel where I stayed overnight had a sauna. Non-defining:Louisa, whose family is from Italy, is traveling home for the holidays. We can sometimesomit the relative pronoun(in the cases ofwho,that, andwhich) if it is followed by ...
高中英语北师大版选择性必修一UNIT 3 Period 6 Focus on Language—Relative Clauses(4)—Defining and Non-defining Clauses.docx,Period 6 Focus on Language—Relative Clauses(4)—Defining and Non-defining Clauses 感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题。 1.Extinct
Defining&Non-DefiningClauses (AlsoknownasRestrictiveandNon-RestrictiveClauses)Inadefiningclause,theinformationgivenisessentialtounderstandthesentence Definingclausesmakeitclearwhichpersonorthingyouaretalkingaboutinasentence Examples:Theyhelpedthemanwhowasinjured.•“who”tellsyouwhichman Ilikecoffeethatismadeatthat...
is my uncle. (2) Non-Defining Clause(非定义短句)当中的whom which when that where why等只是补充加以描述,忽略此短句句子仍有意思,只是没有加以描述。如: The girl (who is dressing a beautiful pink dress) is one of my good friends. 如果没有who is dressing a beautiful pink dress...
Defining and Non-Defining Relative Clauses Use relative clauses to provide extra information. This information can either define something (defining ..
som ething (defining clause), or provide unnecessary, but interesting, added information (non-defining clause).Relative clauses can be introduced by:∙ a relative pronoun: who (whom), which, that, whose ∙no relative pronoun ∙where, why and when instead of a relative pronoun You ...