【题目】GrammarRELATIVE CLAUSES(I):DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES⑤Read these sentences and discuss which word(s) in thesentences the clauses (in italics)refer to.Which of the clauses above gives:information to identfythe person(s)/object(s)?(defining clause)extra informaion about a ...
Grammar RELATIVE CLAUSES( I):DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES⑤ Read these sentences and discuss which word(s) in the sentences the clauses (in italics) refer to.Which of the clauses above gives:.information to identify the person(s)/object(s)?( defining clause ).extr a information ...
Defining&Non-DefiningClauses (AlsoknownasRestrictiveandNon-RestrictiveClauses)Inadefiningclause,theinformationgivenisessentialtounderstandthesentence Definingclausesmakeitclearwhichpersonorthingyouaretalkingaboutinasentence Examples:Theyhelpedthemanwhowasinjured.•“who”tellsyouwhichman Ilikecoffeethatismadeatthat...
Sometimes defining and non-defining relative clauses can look very similar but have different meanings. Compare 原文链接:Relative clauses: defining and non-defining - Cambridge Grammar
FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES(4)-DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSES8. Read the sentences and discuss which word(s) the clauses (in italics) refer to.1 Extinctions, where entire species are wiped out, are not unusual in our Earth's history.2 These include the third mass extinction,...
This information can either define something (defining clause), or provide unnecessary, but interesting, added information (non-defining clause). Relative clauses can be introduced by: a relative pronoun: who (whom), which, that, whose no relative pronoun where, why and when instead of a ...
Defining clauses 和Non-difining clauses 的区别 1.In defining relative clauses, the pronouns who, whom and which are often replaced by that in spoken English. In non-defining relative clauses you cannot replace other pronouns with that.2. You cannot omit the relative pronoun in non-...
Non-defining clauses never usethat. Examples: Defining:The hotel where I stayed overnight had a sauna. Non-defining:Louisa, whose family is from Italy, is traveling home for the holidays. We can sometimesomit the relative pronoun(in the cases ofwho,that, andwhich) if it is followed by ...
TousetheDefiningandNondefiningClausescorrectly 1.TherewereinventionsanddevelopmentsinChinawhichwerenotavailableinEuropeatthattime.2.MarcowasluckyenoughtomeetanotherprisonerwhoenjoyedlisteningtohisstoriesaboutChina.3.TheprisonerthenwrotethestoriesinabookcalledTheDescriptionoftheWorld,whichbecameoneofthebestsellingbooksi...
.The falseonescouldbe: -Truedefinitionswithsomethingchanged -Truedefinitionswithsomefalseinformationadded -Completelymadeupdefinitions(perhapsbecauseyoudon’tknowtheexpression) Youmustwriteatleastonetruedefinitionandatleastonefalsedefinition.Alldefinitions musthavedefiningand/ornon-definingrelativeclauses,e.g.using...