Below we will look at a program in Excel VBA that loops through a defined range. For example, when we want to square the numbers in the range A1:A3.
Create a dynamic defined range Create a monthly calendar Create and user two-input data tables Create application-level event handlers Custom function may not calculate expected value Data collected by Excel Baseline Diagnostic Excel data doesn't retain formatting in mail merge Excel workbook shows old...
Function sumDS(rng As Range)Dim myCell As Range sumDS = 0 For Each myCell In rng If myCell.Value Mod 2 = 0 Then sumDS = sumDS + myCell.Value End If Next End Function 代码截图:代码讲解:我们在一个模块中写入上述代码,代码比较简单,命名了一个sumDS的函数,这个函数中,将对选中的单...
instead of saying the city lying at latitude 40.7128° N and longitude 74.0059° W,you simply say New York City. In Excel, you can create and use two types of names: Defined name - a name that refers to a single cell, range of cells, constant value, or formula...
Function sumDS(rng As Range) Dim myCell As Range sumDS = 0 For Each myCell In rng If myCell.Value Mod 2 = 0 Then sumDS = sumDS + myCell.Value End If Next End Function 代码截图: 代码讲解:我们在一个模块中写入上述代码,代码比较简单,命名了一个sumDS的函数,这个函数中,将对选中的单元...
We define and use names in Excel formulas to easily understand, reference, and maintain data. For example, we can define a name for a table, a cell range, a constant, or a function. Too many defined names in your workbook consume a lot of working memory and may slow down your workbook...
This happens when an attempt to access a named range in Excel is misspelled or doesn’t exist. PressF5or click theRunbutton to execute the VBA macro. The error pop up can be seen in the above image. Solution: Correct the Misspelled Error ...
If Range("A" & (x + 1)) = "" ThenExit SubElseRows(x + 1 & ":" & x + 20).CopyWorkbooks.AddActiveSheet.PasteApplication.CutCopyMode = FalseFor j = 0 To 4y = 1 + 4 * jSheets("Sheet1").SelectActiveSheet.Rows(y & ":" & y + 3).CopyActiveWorkbook.Sheets.AddWorksheets(j +...
Most Excel functions have multiple arguments. Custom functions are no exception. This is why it is so important to be able to create UDFs with multiple arguments. The code below creates a function that selects the maximum number in a given range: ...
>SUM(Sheet3!$B$2:$B$9)</definedName> <definedName name="NamedRange">Sheet3!$A$1:$C$12</definedName> <definedName name="NamedRangeFromExternalReference" localSheetId="2" hidden="1">Sheet5!$A$1:$T$47</definedName> </definedNames> 示例结束] 展开表 父元素 workbook (§18.2.2...