The meaning of DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLAN is a pension plan in which the amount of the contributions made by the employer is fixed in advance and earnings are distributed proportionately.
养老金固定缴款计划(Defined Contribution Plan)是指一种养老金计划,每个员工有独立的退休账户,雇主和员工单独或共同向该账户以确定方式按期缴款,同时,账户基金通过适当投资方式保值增值。退休后个人受益均从该账户提取,提完为止。因此,这类养老金计划的退休金额和员工的工龄、职位没有直接关系,而取决...
The meaning of DEFINED BENEFIT PLAN is a pension plan in which the amount of benefits paid to an employee after retirement is fixed in advance in accordance with a formula given in the plan.
(redirected fromDefined contribution plan) Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Acronyms Encyclopedia pen·sion1 (pĕn′shən) n. A sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of patronage. tr.v.pen·sioned,pen·sion·ing,pen·sions ...
defined benefit plan 养老金的固定受益计划 be defined as 定 义为 plan for 为…作计划 in plan 作为平面图 plan to vt.计划,期望 plan on 预计,计划,确定,期待 相似单词 defined a. 1.有定义的 2.轮廓分明的,清晰的 contribution n. 1.[C,U]捐款 2.[C]定期缴款 3.[C]贡献,促成作用...
Mr. A opted to open a defined contribution plan where he is contributing a portion of his salary on a pre-tax basis. Mr. A can choose as much as he wants to save in this plan, but he must not exceed the maximum prescribed. His employer, too, shall make a matching contribution to ...
Defined Contribution Plan养老金固定缴款计划您所说的这个词语,是属于CFA词汇的一个,掌握好CFA词汇可以让您在CFA的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:一种养老金计划,每年为员工预留若干金额或若干百分比的资金,以支付有关养老福利。但对员工无需支付罚款提取资金的时间及形式有限制。希望高顿...
a defined-benefit plan—also commonly known as a traditionalpension plan—provides a specified payment amount in retirement. A defined-contribution plan allows employees to contribute and invest in funds and other securities over time to save for...
养老金固定缴款计划(Defined Contribution Plan)是指一种养老金计划,每个员工有独立的退休账户,雇主和员工单独或共同向该账户以确定方式按期缴款,同时,账户基金通过适当投资方式保值增值。退休后个人受益均从该账户提取,提完为止。因此,这类养老金计划的退休金额和员工的工龄、职位没有直接关系,而取决...
How Is a Defined Contribution Plan Different From a Defined Benefit Plan? With a DB plan, retirement income is guaranteed by the employer and computed using a formula that considers several factors, such as length of employment and salary history. DC plans offer no such guarantee,don’t have ...