LS-DYNA:有关*DEFINE_CURVE里,曲线“平均分”的问题 在*DEFINE_CURVE的注解里,第一句是: In the definition of Load Curves used in the constitutive models, reasonable spacing of the points should always be observed, i.e., never set a single point off to a value approaching infinity. LS-DYNA u...
各位老师,小弟最近在学习使用*DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION/*DEFINE_FUNCTION关键字有两个问题一直没有解决: (1)通过*DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION,设置与刚体Z向位移(DZRB)变化相关的外力,但在计算时出现 Error 20405 (STR+405) in load curve I.D. 0 我的程序是 *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION_ *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION 中横纵...
时刻 0,位移是 0;后面,时刻 0.7E-3 开始,到 1.0E-3 才是一样的, 0.014。因此,这是...
*DEFINE_CURVE Purpose:Defineacurve[forexample,load(ordinatevalue)versustime(abcissavalue)],often referredtoasaloadcurve. CardFormat 12345678 VariableLCIDSIDRSFASFOOFFAOFFODATTYP TypeIIFFFFI Defaultnone01. Card2,3,4,etc.Putonepairofpointspercard(2E20.0)Inputisterminated ...
We are Providing Curveinformation like - Curvedefine, examples of Curve, and video example for Curve, what is a Curve?, what are the Curve, And also multiple Questions with step by step solutions.
*DEFINE_FUNCTION or a *DEFINE_CURVE_FUNCTION card through the field LCID. As explained in the manual, *DEFINE_FUNCTION can be referenced by a limited number of keywords between which the arguments of the function can differ. For example, in *LOAD_NODE, the *DEFINE_F...
how to define the curve by the area rather than... Learn more about numerical integration, plot, graph, integration, ode45
Define curve profiles to specify how scope assignment costs, quantities, and hours spread over the duration of an activity; resource or role hours spread over the duration of an activity; and budget quantities over budget durations. There are some default curve profiles defined in the application....
LS-DYNA:有关*DEFINE_CURVE里,曲线“平均分”的问题 在*DEFINE_CURVE的注解里,第一句是: In the definition of Load Curves used in the constitutive models, reasonable spacing of the points should always be observed, i.e., never set a single point off to a value approaching infinity. LS-DYNA u...