3. Additional rationale for categories is provided in the Supplementary Information. Fig. 3: Proposed biomarker cascade in ADAD. The magnitude of change depicted by the y axis is arbitrary, and magnitudes are not comparable across different biomarker categories. Full size image The proteome strongly...
the unpaired Student’s two-tailedt-test was performed, and the difference in averages was calculated for the three comparisons. Various packages in R 3.5.045, including but not limited to ggplot2 3.3.146, ggpubr 0.3.047, EnhancedVolcano...
Individual experiments on the y-axis (“GSM” identifiers) are colored according to common experimental series (i.e., performed by the same laboratory as a specific set of experiments) as provided in GEO (“GSE” identifiers, see Table S1d [Additional File 1]). Sets labeled in black are ...
the unpaired Student’s two-tailedt-test was performed, and the difference in averages was calculated for the three comparisons. Various packages in R 3.5.045, including but not limited to ggplot2 3.3.146, ggpubr 0.3.047, EnhancedVolcano...