versions of Ubuntu (22.04 LTS) and GCC (11 & 12). It runs on Windows 10/11 via MSYS2 (also GCC). It also compiles via clang 11+ without a hitch. macOS & xcode/clang have also been testing and verified. Something I could use help with is getting a build working with MSVC on ...
Overall, there was excellent discrimination between DAS28 responders using a CDAI cutpoint of 5 units; the AUROC was 0.87. CDAI cutpoints for patients who started in low, moderate, or high disease were 2, 6, and 10, respectively. The Se, Sp, PPV and NPVs for the outcomes in the ...
促进我市经济又好又快发展,经市政府同意,现将《××省人民政府办公厅关于做好商贸流通业统计工作的通知》(×政办[2010]146号)转发给你们。同时,市政府决定采取以下措施,请一并贯彻落实。 第一、建立联席会议制度。由市政府副秘书长丁××同志负责( )联席会议,成员为市商务局、统计局、工商局、国...
In addition, a number of other conserved sequence motifs associated with high recombination activity (such as the chi-like sequences) but without a pinpointed endonuclease/recombinase have been recognized [40, 19, 41]. In this study, we screened DRB1-e2 for "known" recombination, translocation...
so far is the only blockchain to prove it can do that without hitches, but BTC and ETH remain far more popular thanks to first-mover advantage and network effect. Entrepreneurs need to take all this into consideration before launching a full-scale project, to avoid costly re-thinks later...
2. Nanofluid Parameters Influencing Thermophysical Properties In the first part of the article, without proposing a further systematic review of the works available in the literature, we want to highlight the effects of the various parameters characterizing the nanofluid on the main thermophysical ...