连夜Trad.連夜 lián yè that very night through the night for several nights in a row Example UsageShowStrokes 屋漏偏逢连夜雨Trad.屋漏偏逢連夜雨 wū lòu piān féng lián yè yǔ when it rains, it pours (idiom) 屋漏更遭连夜雨Trad.屋漏更遭連夜雨 ...
zhuā yǎng to scratch an itch 虱多不痒Trad.蝨多不癢 shī duō bù yǎng many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others Troubles never come singly. It never rains but it pours....