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文件反编译成java源码,其中2的英文谐音为two,也就是dex到jar,这样对于我们来说就能看到真实的程序啦。dex2jar 简介dex2jar包含以下含义:dex-reader旨在读取Dalvik可执行文件(.dex/ .odex)格式。它具有与ASM类似的轻量级API。dex-translator旨在执行转换作业。它读取dex-ir格式的dex指令,经过一些优化后,转换 ...
Laning and Zierler’s compiler, written in 1953-1954, was possibly the first true working algebraic compiler. See also byte-code compiler, native compiler, optimising compiler. (1994-11-07)Read Also:Compiler and generalized translator language (COGENT) A compiler writing language with pattern-...