The key to economizing is this: try to collect only those data that can be turned into "information" that, in turn, can be converted into "evidence" that has some bearing on your problem. Semantic Tip For the logically minded, here are some definitions: Data are facts—or, some might ...
) Bearing ships; capable of floating vessels. Navies (pl. ) of Navvy Navvy (n.) Originally, a laborer on canals for internal navigation; hence, a laborer on other public works, as in building railroads, embankments, etc. Navies (pl. ) of Navy Navy (n.) A fleet of ships; an ...
metal bearing (ore) gold bearing 瑞金市 Ruì jīn shì Ruijin county level city in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi 稀土金属 Trad. 稀土金屬 xī tǔ jīn shǔ rare earth element 碱金属 Trad. 鹼金屬 jiǎn jīn shǔ alkali metal 镶金 Trad. 鑲金 xiāng jīn gilded inlaid with gold ...