上面1、2、3 类宏通常和条件编译预处理指令 #if/#ifdef/#ifndef 配合使用 辅助类^ __VA_ARGS__: 在函数式宏中,代表变长部分参数 (...),参考 MSDN:Variadic Macros __COUNTER__: include 展开编译单元后,编译时第一次遇到 __COUNTER__ 替换为 0,以后在这个编译每遇到一次 __COUNTER__ 自增一。不同...
1#if02///< 旧的代码(或函数) (旧的代码, 将会被预处理的时候,屏蔽掉, 不进行编译)3#else4///< 新的代码(或函数)5#endif67#ifndef JOE_DEBUG8///< 新的代码(或函数)9#else10///< 旧的代码(或函数) (旧的代码, 将会被预处理的时候,屏蔽掉, 不进行编译)11#endif1213#ifdef Q_DEBUG14///<...
#define B_PTR( var ) ( (byte *) (void *) &(var) ) #define W_PTR( var ) ( (word *) (void *) &(var) ) 10、得到一个字的高位和低位字节 #define WORD_LO(xxx) ((byte) ((word)(xxx) & 255)) #define WORD_HI(xxx) ((byte) ((word)(xxx) >> 8)) 11、返回一个比X大的...
6 #ifdef MAX //判断这个宏是否被定义 7 printf("3 and 5 the max is:%d\n",MAX(3,5)); 8 #endif 9 #ifdef MIN 10 printf("3 and 5 the min is:%d\n",MIN(3,5)); 11 #endif 12 return 0; 13 } 14 15 /* 16 * (1)三元运算符要比if,else效率高 17 * (2)宏的使用一定要细心,...
If you can't define a word, turn to the dictionary. That's always the best way to learn the definition. Likewise, anything you can describe completely is something you can define.
Note:If the scope is a shared scope, you will not be able to edit its settings. Shared scopes are configured in Central Administration. In theTitlebox, type a word, name, acronym, or short phrase to describe the scope. The title displays in theScopeslist and indicates to the user the ...
Note:If the scope is a shared scope, you will not be able to edit its settings. Shared scopes are configured in Central Administration. In theTitlebox, type a word, name, acronym, or short phrase to describe the scope. The title displays in theScopeslist and indicates to the user the ...
C If we want to define grit, the correct way to put it is as a non-cognitive trait(非认知特性) based on someone's ability to insist despite many challenges and obstacles to achieve a given goal. It is the trait that tells you to keep trying at something when everyone else has giv...
It sounds like object is better than document given your impressions above and the baggage of data format definitions of it in XML and applications of the word document in various BOM formats, and they can even be seemingly equivalent (if you accept the definition and philosophy from the XML ...
经过痛苦的查找,终于在atlctrlw.h里面找到一点线索 // Define _WTL_CMDBAR_VISTA_MENUS as 0 to exclude Vista menus support #if !defined(_WTL_CMDBAR_VISTA_MENUS) && (WINVER >= 0x0500) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) && (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0501) #define _WTL_CMDBAR_VISTA_MENUS 1 #endif ...