Hacker:a person who is skilled in the use of computer systems, often one who illegally obtains access to private computer systems.(Cambridge Dictionary) The world’s leading dictionaries define “hacker” in different ways, but they all point to the act of hacking as being on the wrong side ...
分享18赞 百度之星吧 firzen9145 百度之星趣味赛——黑客语言转换这是一个翻译器,输入英文,输出Hacker-language. 源码如下: #include<stdio.h> #define MAX 10 #define A 0 #define B 1 #define C 2 分享1赞 cydia插件吧 axuess Define——随时随地查单词相信各位同学的设备里多少都会有一二款字典应用,尤其...
For that matter,what does it mean when we say that anything is quality? Are we talking about how well it works? How good it looks? Whatever it means, we use that word a lot, and in a lot of different contexts. Not long ago, Ben Greenman of the New Yorker tweeted, "There should...
hacker (computing) (loanword) 惊涛骇浪Trad.驚濤駭浪 jīng tāo hài làng perilous situation 骇然Trad.駭然 hài rán overwhelmed with shock, horror or amazement dumbstruck aghast 骇浪Trad.駭浪 hài làng swelling or stormy seas 震骇Trad.震駭 ...