badge emblem insignia crest logo coat of arms Example Usage 烩 Trad. 燴 huì to braise to cook in soy and vinegar braised cooked in soy and vinegar 大通 Dà tōng Datong district of Huainan city 淮南市[Huai2 nan2 shi4], Anhui Datong Hui and Tu autonomous county in Xining 西寧|...
分享31赞 欧陆风云吧 贴吧用户_0VbR6ZA 1.8 Full Patch Notes¤¤¤ Paid Features fro 分享401 十字军之王吧 emblem1987 CK2 2.02版本更新内容更新日期是2013年12月16日 21:20分 更新内容: MAJOR - Added a "Depose Antipope" Casus Belli - Added an "Antiking" faction. The leader usurps 分享28赞 ...