Love is the cure to self. Your first encounter with a Certain entity in an unlikely yet predestined point in time may cause you to think to yourself that the world is bleak yet color seems to splash out of nowhere or that the world is beautiful yet darkness is a welcome friend. ...
plea to vote for “Barrack O’ Drama,” Jeezy paints a bleak picture of the criminal justice system and alludes to his conviction for narcotics possession as a minor.The Recessionhit a nerve with the public and became his second chart-topping album. That same month the stock market crashed...
Melle Mel and hisSugar Hillcohort Duke Bootee speak bluntly here about the criminality, poverty, and sheer desperation of being Black in the city in the 1980s. As bleak as its lyrics are, it was a minor hit.—Gary Suarez