Echinacea Immune Support and Deep Breathe organic herbal teas. This collection of teas contains common and atypical ingredients from cinnamon, astragalaus, eucalyptus, yarrow flower, peppermint, mullein, cardamom seed, thyme leaf, wild cherry bark, slippery elm bark and tulsi leaf. A wild combinatio...
异形Trad.異形 yì xíng not the usual type atypical heterotype 同素异形体Trad.同素異形體 tóng sù yì xíng tǐ allotropy 异形词Trad.異形詞 yì xíng cí variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划[bi3 hua4] and 筆畫|笔画[bi3 hua4] exact synonym and homonym written ...