While you might not be aware of report users with accessibility issues today, it's a good idea to design for accessibility from the outset. Accessibility requirements can influence your report designs in terms of form factor, input method, and style and theme. To support people with low or ...
The visual system plays with the idea of showing and hiding elements, like a flash (not the DC’s character, mind you, but equally agile). The neon yellow color, mixed with the sharp symbol and the bold typeface makes the identity drift to modernity, futurism, and technology. 2. Staples...
Once you have a strong sense of your company’s identity and know where you need to express it, it’s time to think about what it will look like. A strong logo in appropriate colors is the most important outward symbol of your company’s identity. But don’t forget typography, colors,...
Unlike asavings account, you can’t continually add money to a CD. With this account, you typically make a one-time deposit when you open a certificate of deposit and keep it in there until the term ends. You can generally make this one-time deposit by linking another bank account and ...
The report theme should express your organizational branding or aim to complement it. At a minimum, the theme should include the following elements: A brand mark or logo symbol. A palette of colors that align to, or complement, organizational branding. The colors should also be sufficiently dif...