Compare the processes that occur in the wetland to those of an actual sewage treatment plant. Explain the ecological and economic importance of coastal marshes, mangrove forests, and sea-grass beds. Define the term phylogeny. Distinguish between monophyl...
Explain how the ecosystem would be impacted (short and long term) by a sewage overflow. What relationships inside the ecosystem would be disrupted? What is an endangered plant or animal species from the region where you live? How would you describe the effective population...
the joint research center also suggested that the term "particulate nanomaterial, particulate nanomaterials" should be used in the standard text. Nanoparticles have a series of applications in clothing, from anti pollution treatment to the use of silver nanoparticles to reduce...
For more than 60 years the lake served as a sink of toxic pollution accompanied by nutrients, which were dumped into the lake with untreated domestic sewage and industrial waste. From the stable pristine state the ecosystem has transformed into a new developing phase, in which the number of ...