rb_define_method (rb_cCairo_Context,"in_fill?", cr_in_fill,2);#ifCAIRO_CHECK_VERSION(1, 10, 0)rb_define_method (rb_cCairo_Context,"in_clip?", cr_in_clip,2);#endif/* Rectangular extents */rb_define_method (rb_cCairo_Context,"stroke_extents", cr_stroke_extents,0); rb_define...
2023, Renewable Energy Citation Excerpt : We take the temperature and salinity predictions and use the Mackenzie equation to compute the sound speed [36], which we interpolate onto each grid node. Below the seafloor, we chose a density of 1880 kg/m3 and a sound speed of 1700 m/s to repr...
Microbial consortia composed of autotrophic and heterotrophic species abound in nature, yet examples of synthetic communities with mixed metabolism are limited in the laboratory. We previously engineered a model cyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongatus PC
these synthetic consortia could be stabilized over the long-term (weeks to months) and both species could persist when challenged with specific perturbations. Stability and productivity of autotroph/heterotroph co-cultures was dependent on heterotroph sucrose utilization, as well ...