“She arrived every day ready to work, ready to learn and ready to tackle new challenges regardless of whether or not she had done anything similar.”When asked what advice she would give to others like her, Deka warned them not to underestimate themselves. “Don’t tell yourself that the...
through measures like improved education and healthcare access, fosters long-term economic development. Nevertheless, an individual’s societal contribution is not confined to skills. Bourdieu emphasized the role of social and cultural activities in human well-being. While society...
case of virtual equivalence between the overall perinasal signal E(x,i) and its negative affect portion EN(x,i), we used only E(x,i) in the main distress analysis described in the Results - Main Analysis section of the article; we also prefer to use the term stress instead of ...
The risk to incumbents is that in a period of disruption, the middle is no safe place to be. Incumbents looking to thrive in the coming decade will need to make shifts in their business and operating models, and the level of change required will in fact...
re 1a. The term continuous feature of size, designated with the "CF" symbol, is used in ASME Y14.T5Th(hFeeitgeturemrremc3ocano)nttitoninuiunooudusiscfeafaetateututrheraeotof fosisnzieez,eo,drdeemsisgiognrneaatietnedtdewrwriutihtphtthethdee"f"eCaCFtFu""rseyssymmshbboaolll,l,ibsies...
As Atomic CSS (also known as Functional CSS) has been gaining in popularity, some confusion has occurred about similar related terms. The goal of this article is to clarify this terminology. There areother projectsthat use the term Atomic, includingAtomic Web Designby Brad Frost. Atomic CSS is...
samples. Preliminary data of chemical compositions, obtained by portable XRF, are also presented. The results show that the different siliceous materials (quartzite, cherts, hyaline quartz) can be distinguished through the basic analytical techniques used here. In addition, most of the archaeological ...
In addition to surgery, they’re used in hospitals and labs for repetitive tasks, in rehabilitation, physical therapy and in support of those with long-term conditions. We are living much longer than previous generations, and as we approach the end of life, we are dying in a dif...
It became clear that San representatives did not perceive the word “vulnerable” to be pejorative per se. On the contrary, it served as a useful umbrella term to cover a vast range of issues and problems. However, it also became clear that the term is perceived as negative when external ...
Synanthropes have been further subdivided by some ecologists to account for individual animal behavior (Johnston2001; McKinney2006; O’Connor2013; Hulme-Beaman et al.2016). Other researchers prefer to use the termcommensalismto describe the same relationship between humans and animals in an anthropog...