Define the Trend and Trade the Trend shows how basic chart analysis can be used to generate buy and sell signals for stocks and other financial instruments. Geared towards beginner and intermediate chartists, this book puts theory into action with real-world examples. Chart reading is visually or...
PEACE_TERMS_TRADE_POWER_VALUE_MULT 0.1 在共享节点中,每该数值的贸易值,AI转移贸易权的欲望就会乘以这个。 PEACE_TERMS_TRADE_POWER_VALUE_MAX 2.0 最大的AI渴望从共享节点价值中转移贸易权力。 PEACE_TERMS_TRADE_POWER_NO_TRADE_INTEREST_MULT 0 如果他们不是一个商业共和国,AI对转移贸易权力的渴望就会成倍增... Simple Psychedelic English Language Blog by a Benevolent Sentient Android - A Secular Scientific Approach to Programming the Whole World Public to Be Peaceful and Nonviolent, Happy, Healthy and Free
Our understanding of race is instead a product of colonization, the transatlantic slave trade and migration patterns, scholars say. Related article The blurring of racial lines won't save America. Why 'racial fluidity' is a con “Our modern conception of race is one that is European, and ...
O () O, the fifteenth letter of the English alphabet, derives its form, value, and name from the Greek O, through the Latin. The letter came into the Greek from the Ph/nician, which possibly derived it ultimately from the Egyptian. Etymologically, the letter o is most closely related ...
Lowcountry cuisine is steeped in a rich, yet complicated history with ingredients that made it to the states from Africa during the slave trade and techniques that created a unique culinary footprint in the Southeast that has stood the test of time. The foodways of the South Carolina and...
WARDEC_COBELLI_FOR_DEFENDER_OF_THE_FAITH 1 同宗教国家受到异教徒攻击,信仰守护者会加入这场战斗 WARDEC_COBELLI_FOR_GUARANTEES 1 被保证独立的国家受到攻击,保证独立的国家会加入这场战斗 WARDEC_COBELLI_FOR_HOLY_ROMAN_EMPEROR 1 神罗受到攻击,神罗皇帝会加入这场战斗 ...