name text N This is the name of the repository, e.g. gitlab-container-registry. path text N UNIQUE This is the full path of a repository, e.g. gitlab-org/build/cng/gitlab-container-registry. parent_id integer Y REFERENCES repositories(id) If a repository is a root repository (e.g...
With A US or canadian address I can geo code with Google API like this: But when I pass an address for iceland, I get no results. I tried setting the region to "region=is" Notice how the add... pass dynamic value in regular expression in jquery ...
the Mining IndustryAdvances in Economic MineralsAdvances in GeometallurgyAdvances in Low-temperature Computational MineralogyAdvances in Mine Backfilling Technology and MaterialsAdvances in Mineral Analytical TechniquesAdvances in Mineral GeochronologyAdvances in Mineral ProcessingAdvances in Rhenium Mineralogy, ...
Particularly, two cases of size tolerance, three cases of form tolerances, one case of orientation tolerance, four cases of position tolerance (including position tolerance with MMR for the pattern of five holes) and, finally, two cases of surface profile tolerance (unequally disposed tolerance ...