effects due to the excessive production of inflammatory cytokines, leading to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is the key driver of pathogenesis in several diseases, and the main damage caused to the host is mediated by the host's own inflammatory response rather than by pathogens [13]. ...
It is suspected to play a key role in the context of task execution1. There has been a lot of work on the relationship between stress and task performance, starting with the postulation of the famous Yerkes-Dodson law in 19082. According to this 'law', performance increases with stress ...
Make the Definition Evaluative The idea of a "problem" usually means that people think there is something wrong with the world, but wrong is a debatable term. Even if everyone accepts the same facts, not everyone will agree that the facts you (or others) have defined as a prob- lem ...
pattern of a large panel of human miRNAs that hints to a broad range of effect on mitochondria and associated metabolic functions upon viral activation. We detected significant changes in the expression pattern of miR-33 and miR-24-2-5p upon viral transactivation. miR-33 plays crucial role in ...
The Discoidin Domain Receptor 1 (DDR1) is one of the two members of a unique family of receptor tyrosine kinase receptors that signal in response to collagen, which has been implicated in cancer progression. Here, we examined the expression of DDR1 in prostate cancer (PCa), and assessed it...
After modeling was completed, the presence of the N-term to E5 salt bridge was evaluated. XcpI and XcpJ distances were 4.6 Å and not further modified. For XcpX, the N-terminus of the PulG subunit 1 reference helix itself was in a clashing position and therefore the above procedure cou...
[49]. Whenever possible, we have adopted the first term proposed. In some cases, however, older terms were considered less appropriate than more recent ones, either because they define the character concerned less accurately, or because a more recent name has gained common acceptance among ...
(Most of the studies, however, suggested that infrastructure was not the key need but rather, a funding program to get new services established was required).17 On the West Coast, similar studies did reveal a need for infrastructure investment and a call for proposals was issued, which ...
Anthropogenic hybridization is recognized as a major threat to the long-term survival of natural populations. While identifying F1 hybrids might be simple, the detection of older admixed individuals is far from trivial and it is still debated whether they should be targets of management. Examples ...
based on enrichment of ontology and signature terms. This was assessed using a scaled cluster enrichment score (SCES), which takes into account the significance of enrichment of ontology and signature terms within a module, the extent to which the enrichment of signature or ontology term is specif...