ChadwickConsultantRaymondConsultantEBSCO_AspBmj British Medical JournalCHADWICK, R. 2015. Compassion: hard to define, impossible to mandate. BMJ, 351.
define the process Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 define动— 确定动 · 定义动 · 界定动 · 规定动 · 阐明动 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024...
government is not to give good things to the people, as itishardtodefinewhatthings are good, and cash handouts are not necessarily good. 他說政府最主要的功能不是把好的東西給人民,因為很難界定甚麼是好東西,派很多錢也不一定是好事。
Love in the hard hood might have to watch itself, but the various artists of Death Row contagiously testify to abundant love and seasonal joy. Twisted Sister - "Silver Bells" Bypassing the urge to write new material on their rocking Christmas album, 2006's A...
it's common for organizations to assign the Global Administrator role to a number of administrators when most administrators only need one or two specific and less-powerful administrator roles. With a large number of Global Administrators or other high-privilege roles, it's hard to...
hum, that's better but... The macro did work, but I delete the config file that was just next to the hlsl (to test the #include path), closed the hlsl file from VS 2015 and crash... No I've several hlsl path I can no longer open, I'll check all my json to check who's ...
Initially billed as a “novelty act”—how else, cynically, would one market an “all-girl” band in the early ’70s?—Fanny proved to the doubters that they were (surprise!) a damn fine hard rock band with enough harmonies and hooks for pop chart appeal. (David Bowie was an enorm...
Function to convert Match value given by the pattern. Can also be a dict, to use formatter with matches named with key. >>> def year_formatter(value): ... return int(value) >>> matches = Rebulk().regex(r'\d{4}', formatter=year_formatter) \ ... .matches("In year 1982 ..."... Simple Psychedelic English Language Blog by a Benevolent Sentient Android - A Secular Scientific Approach to Programming the Whole World Public to Be Peaceful and Nonviolent, Happy, Healthy and Free
that we may all need to think hard abouthow wecanhelp Ahmed Umertodohisjob well, along with his counterparts everywhere. 的确,在我们今天的讨论中,以及回到纽约后,我想说,我们都需要认 真思考,如何帮助艾哈迈德·乌默尔及其各地同事做好本职工作。