reflect the omnipotence of God. Calvinists believe it is impossible for humans to escape what God has planned for their life. A human life filled with goodness exists, according to Calvinism, to exemplify the grace God bestows on his elect...
Narrator:Welcome to theJesus Calling Podcast. The best news we could ever receive is that in the middle of our most broken, painful moments, there is Someone who will reach out to us—no matter what we’ve done, who we’ve hurt, or the mistakes that we’ve made. God does not care ...
An example of one person’s approach to keeping bitterness at bay in her life is Sara Hagerty, who describes in her book, Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet: Tasting the Goodness of God in All Things (Zondervan, 2016), how she found the Bible, anew, when her circumstances were stifled with ex...
It was so bad in the flood story of Noah(also found in ancient flood stories around the world), that God lamented about the widespread corruption across humanity to the point that it could not be redeemed. Unfortunately after rebooting from the only good family remaining, the cycle of self-...
the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus...
On the religious side, one argument comes up surprisingly often. It says if you take god out of the picture, there would be no concept of what good is. Goodness cannot be explained in an atheistic world, and so everything would be permissible. Of course, as an argum...
of the Nucleus Accumbens for Free - Electrically Stimulating the Individual Cells Inside the Pleasure Center in the Brain With Nanobots for Free - Changing the Whole Worldwide Economic System by Motivating People and Making Them Happy With Invisible Computers Instead of Money - Putting a Happy End...
N () the fourteenth letter of English alphabet, is a vocal consonent, and, in allusion to its mode of formation, is called the dentinasal or linguanasal consonent. Its commoner sound is that heard in ran, done; but when immediately followed in the same word by the sound of g hard ...
Religion is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize humankind; and, for my part, I sincerely detest it as I detest everything that is cruel. — Thomas Paine We should let God be the One to praise us and not praise ourselves. For God detests those who commend...
truth, goodness and beauty 真意 zhēn yì real intention true meaning correct interpretation Example UsageShowStrokes 真性 zhēn xìng real the nature of sth ShowStrokes 失真 shī zhēn to lack fidelity (signal) distortion ShowStrokes 真谛Trad.真諦 ...