In this optimization model, the spatial vessel organization is governed by cross-talk between vascular structures and the surrounding tissues, and involves integration of local metabolic and hemodynamic cues1,2,3. However, the molecular and cellular substrates that add organ specificity to the vascular...
During this period of metastasis development, tumor cells are actively adapting to the stresses of a different organ’s cellular millieu in order to ultimately grow in an uncontrolled manner. This transitional middle phase may provide a unique clinical opportunity, yet the underlying biology remains ...
Further to clarifyCdh8/Cdh11double-positive territories in the developing neural tube, we generated aCdh11-EGFPtagknock-in mouse line by means of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing (Fig.3a, and Supplementary Fig.7). We then intercrossed this knock-in mouse line with theCdh... OPEN Received: 13 March 2019 Accepted: 7 June 2019 Published: xx xx xxxx On the potential of in vitro organ-chip models to define temporal pharmacokinetic- pharmacodynamic relationships Christopher W. McAleer1, Amy Pointon2, Christopher J. Long1, Rocky...
The gut is an essential metabolic, endocrine, and immune organ inhabited by millions of microbes. Recently, our knowledge of the diversity of microorganisms in the human gut has exponentially increased with the development of high-throughput sequencing technologies [1]. The intestinal microorganism comm...
Acta Neuropathologica Communications (2016) 4:88 DOI 10.1186/s40478-016-0349-9 RESEARCH Open Access Chromosome 1q gain and tenascin-C expression are candidate markers to define different risk groups in pediatric posterior fossa ependymoma Asuka Araki1,6,7,8, Monika Chocholous2,6, Johannes Gojo...
Since a neuron type usually has multiple projection targets and a neuron within that type can choose a subset of those targets either specifically or randomly, a single-target-site Retro-seq assay is often insufficient to resolve the target specificity of a transcriptomic type except in special ...
In order to gain insight into the molecular mechanisms involved in leg sensory organ patterning, we have analyzed a Hedgehog (Hh)- and Decapentaplegic (Dpp)-responsive enhancer of the h gene, which directs expression of h in a narrow stripe in the dorsal leg imaginal disc (the D-h stripe...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Biology of human development Developmental biology Natural sciences Omics Transcriptomics Introduction Notochordal cells (NC) are a rare cell type present in all vertebrates, arising at gastrulation from the specialized organizer region and contributing to axial elongation.1,2,3 Once shaped into a rod-...