Animal material capital encompasses direct benefits humans obtain from animals as products, historically driven by extractive practices like meat consumption (SDG 1-3). Yet, their contribution extends beyond meat, including the sustainable use of resources like milk, wool, and eggs, vital for some c...
Several reports suggest that ideal cropping systems should include a combination of high yield potential and low negative environmental impacts, drawing on the most sustainable techniques from both organic and conventional systems8, 9, 12. Results from a long-term agroecological research project in ...
Continued efforts to bridge Indigenous and Western knowledge systems are vital for sustainable environmental management in Indigenous territories and other regions where traditional management may be challenged in the context of global climate change.
Continued efforts to bridge Indigenous and Western knowledge systems are vital for sustainable environmental management in Indigenous territories and other regions where traditional management may be challenged in the context of global climate change.
Keesstra, S.; Rodrigo-Comino, J.; Novara, A.; Giménez-Morera, A.; Pulido, M.; Di Prima, S.; Cerdà, A. Straw mulch as a sustainable solution to decrease runoff and erosion in glyphosate-treated clementine plantations in Eastern Spain. An assessment using rainfall simulation experiments....
Regarding sustainable use processes, the expert is interested in implementing these practices throughout their entire property. For the activity A1: Living fences, the expert proposes the establishment of some of these fences, strategically aligned to create possible ecological connectivity with restoration...