reached under a cost less than 1. The characterization of the actuation scheme I independently of the control objective γ leads to consider the worst control problem from the quadratic criterion point of view : transfer the system state from x 在起源可以被到达在费用少于1之下的状态矢量空间代表套...
followed by CD4+and CD8P+SP thymocytes that lack detectable CXCR4 expression. Despite this significant shift in chemokine receptor expression and the maintenance of CXCR4 expression by positive selection intermediates, we show that in both steady state and competitive conditions, conventional and CD1d-...
In culture, BLIMP1+ sebocytes have no greater clonogenic potential than BLIMP1− sebocytes. Finally, lineage-tracing experiments reveal that, under steady-state conditions, BLIMP1-expressing cells do not divide. Thus, rather than defining a sebocyte progenitor population, BLIMP1 functions in ...
One genetic subtype of CRC is based on the presence or absence of mutations in the DNA mismatch repair system. This system involves multiple protein complexes that recognize, remove, and correct mismatched DNA base pairs. Mutations in these protein complexes can render the mismatch repair system de...
Cxcl10+monocytes define a pathogenic subset in the central nervous system during autoimmune neuroinflammation Amir Giladi, Lisa Katharina Wagner, Hanjie Li, Dorothea Dörr, Chiara Medaglia, Franziska Paul, Anat Shemer, Steffen Jung, Simon Yona, ...
Properties A property represents the state of an object that can be read and in some cases updated. The object does not have the obligation to store physically OpenXava 3.0 16 Chapter 3: Model the property data, it only must return it when required. The syntax to define a property is: ...
All cellular intermediates of this process are represented in varying proportions at steady state and appear, over time, during the development of the immune system in humanized mice as well as in patients undergoing HSCT. Furthermore, we show that differentiation of CD56dim NK cells is uncoupled...
2. Magnetic Network Algorithm To study dynamic and steady state characteristics of motors, dq -modeling can be used. On the one hand, these modeling methods have a low computational cost; on the other hand, these methods are not accurate enough because constant machine parameters are assumed. ...