Richards M (2019) Electron spin resonance dating of tooth enamal from Middle Paleolithic and Early Aurignacian layers of Geißenklösterle cave. In: Conard NJ et al (eds) Geißenklösterle: Chronostratigraphie, Paläoumwelt und Subsistenz im Mittel- und Jungpaläolithikum der Schwä...
Scanning electron microscopy Spermatophores of Hormiops davidovi Fage, 1933 preserved in 75% ethanol were dehydrated in a graded alcohol series, critical point dried in a SPI-DRY critical point dryer (SPI supplies, West Chester, PA, U.S.A.), mounted on standard aluminium stubs (diameter 12.5...
We then combined both in vitro NLC differentiation and fetal human notochord transcriptomic profiles to identify gene regulatory networks and the signaling ligands that define the human notochord. Finally, we assemble a comprehensive molecular signature as reference for this tissue that plays many ...
and we can know their spins because there is an observable for a spin. Now consider what happens if the two electrons become fully entangled in the singlet pair state which is spin 0. There is no observable for the singlet to return the spins of the component electrons. This is a time ...
Structural, functional, and evolutionary commonalities to the extracellular type IV pili (T4Ps) critically inform the T2SS field and vice versa (Berry and Pelicic, 2015). Thanks to recent spectacular developments in cryoelectron microscopy, the 3D structures of T2SS secretins (Chernyatina and Low...
Negative stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) applied to vesicle preparations captured on the 0.8 μm, 0.22 μm, and 0.02 μm filters revealed size and morphology consistent with those reported for LEVs, MEVs, and SEVs (exosomes), respectively (Figure 1E) (Hurwitz et al., 2016a, ...