打开你的cstdio库,并#define sort random_shuffle_牛客网_牛客在手,offer不愁
print(random.randint(1,100)) #输出1到99中任意一个整数 print(random.choice(['x',3,5,7])) #输出这四个元素中的任意一个 print(random.randrange(1,100,2)) #输出1到99中的任意一个属于 2n+1 的值 lst = [1,2,3,4,5] random.shuffle(lst) #将lst列表打乱 print(lst) 1. 2. 3. 4. ...
How can I generate 3 random integers that are not the same? How can I get a task list from the task scheduler using c#? How Can I get current username in windows service? how can i get duration of mp3 file in c# ? How can i get enum to contain a dash (-)? how can i get ...
defread_split_data(root:str,val_rate:float=0.2):# 遍历文件夹,一个文件夹对应一个类别flower_class=[claforclainos.listdir(root)ifos.path.isdir(os.path.join(root,cla))]# 排序,保证各平台顺序一致flower_class.sort()# 生成类别名称以及对应的数字索引class_indices=dict((k,v)forv,kinenumerate(flo...