multi-criteria decision analysisMCDAmutual fundsperformance indicatorOriginally being a niche strategy followed by few investors, socially responsible investing (SRI) now represents a significant part of the assets under management. After summarising empirical evidence on the performance of SRI funds, we ...
U.S. regulators are cracking down on socially responsible investments that track factors like environmental, social, and governance principles for sustainable investing strategies that only appear sustainable in name only. Securities and Exchange Commission regulators demanded money managers to expla...
That is, cost-effectiveness analysis must now rise to the level of benefit–cost analysis.23 Here is an excerpt of a 2005 RAND Corporation benefit–cost analysis— concerning the social return on investing in universal preschool in California. The study reached these conclusions: • Using our ...
Socially responsible businesses also want to know if they are making a difference in the world. Every business leader at some point asks, "What portion of my marketing dollars am I wasting?"A more strategic view of the question is to ask, "How do I know that I am investing my marketing...