VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording 檢視 ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineGro...
The threshold value should be driven by a slicer. userid First name Last name Average Sales jane Jane Doe ??? john John Doe ??? Approach taken Step 1 - Add a new parameters table 'SalesThresholdParameter' SalesThresholdParameter = GENERATESERIES(0,1000,1) Do this in the Shared mo...
Filter oder Slicer, die auf visuelle Berichtselemente, spezielle Seiten oder alle Seiten angewendet werden können. Datenexport in bestimmten Datenformaten, z. B. Microsoft Excel oder eine durch Trennzeichen getrennte Datei (CSV-Datei). Unterstützung für Ad-hoc-Fragen, um eine Antwort ...
VerticalSlicers Видеокамера VideoCard (видеокарточка) Записьвидео Представление ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError Видфронт ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRem...
VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording View ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineG...
Define customer tenure based on trailing year that is determined by a date slicer 04-21-2022 09:33 AM I have what seemed initially to be a simple problem, but has become a real pain. I'm creating a financial report that allows the end user to select a date...
VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording 视图 ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineGroup...
VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording View ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineGrou...
VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording 表示 ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineGrou...
VerticalSlicers VideoCamera VideoCard VideoRecording View ViewBack ViewBottom ViewBox ViewBySchema ViewDefinition ViewDock ViewError ViewFront ViewFull ViewInBrowser ViewLandscape ViewLeft ViewPortrait ViewRemoteSite ViewRemove ViewRight ViewTop ViewWarning VirtualMachine VirtualMachineError VirtualMachineGroup...