port_str- (Optional, Computed) The port number. When the value of the Type attribute is 3, the PortStr attribute is required. Value range:1-65535. proc_path- (Optional) The process path. When the Type attribute is set to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7, the ProcPath attribute is required...
DSP-774 This pull request includes updates to the google_for_redis resource configuration: Configuration updates: Set redis_version to "REDIS_7_2", the latest supported version as per https://clou...
If custom, define the set of permissions: Describe the bug I'm working on writing some Terraform that creates and imports a downstream cluster and just noticed the registration manifest being generated has an issue. The cattle-admin-binding ClusterRoleBinding manifest defines a namespace at metada...
HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) has changed how we define and provision a data center infrastructure with the launch of Terraform―one of the most popular and powerful products for building Infrastructure as Code. This practical guide will show you how to leverage HashiCorp’s Terraform tool ...
update- (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Client User Define Rule. Import Threat Detection Client User Define Rule can be imported using the id, e.g. $terraform import alicloud_threat_detection_client_user_define_rule.example <id>...
For example, the default value of delimiter is shown as null, but if you leave it set to null, terraform-null-label will actually use the default delimiter - (hyphen).A non-obvious but intentional consequence of this design is that once a module sets a non-default value, future modules ...
Duplicated it so we could set thesourcefilter to the value we need. Notes: This PR expects 2 imports and no changes as tested locally We need a subsequent PR withupdateclito retrieve the source value from the Terraform Cloudflare project repository....
Automation capabilities (IaC/DevOps)Yes: ARM, Policy, Bicep and Terraform Modules Provides long-term self-sufficiencyYes, enterprise-scale architecture -> 1:N landing zones. Approach & architecture prepare the customer for long-term self-sufficiency, the RIs are there to get you started ...
security_group_create_before_destroySettrueto enable Terraformcreate_before_destroybehavior on the created security group. Note that changing this value will always cause the security group to be replaced.booltrueno security_group_create_timeoutHow long to wait for the security group to be created....
"Terraform" } additional_tag_map = { propagate_at_launch = true } } ### # Launch template # ### resource "aws_launch_template" "default" { # terraform-null-label example used here: Set template name prefix name_prefix = "${module.label.id}-" image_id = data.aws_ami.amazon_linux...