Synonym: specifydelineatedelimitdelimitate 4. determine the nature of e.g. What defines a good wine? 5. show the form or outline of e.g. The tree was clearly defined by the light The camera could define the smallest object Synonym: delineate...
Synonym of the Day March 05, 2025Which one is a synonym forshy? impartialdemureoblique Get the answer Start each day with the Synonym of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. ...
DEFINE DATASET Physical characteristics of a data set, file, or template, or identifies non-Model 204 files. DEFINE FIELD Field names and attributes. DEFINE FIELDGROUP Field group contents, including associated fields and field groups. DEFINE FILE File synonym. DEFINE LINK Defines a network connecti...
The exaction mechanism does not offer a way to output a Boogie type synonym (the handwritten prelude had containedtype Set = [Box]bool;). The handwritten declarations sometimes omitted parameter names and sometimes gave one: Typeto two variables. Boogie allows these, but the extraction mechanism ...
Synonym: DEF CHL There is a separate syntax diagram for each type of channel: SDR Syntax diagram for sender channel SVR Syntax diagram for server channel RCVR Syntax diagram for receiver channel RQSTR Syntax diagram for requester channel CLNTCONN Syntax diagram for client-connection channel SVRCONN...
Synonym: DEF CHL There is a separate syntax diagram for each type of channel: Syntax diagram for sender channel Syntax diagram for server channel Syntax diagram for receiver channel Syntax diagram for requester channel Syntax diagram for client-connection channel Syntax diagram for server-connection ...
Root Word Directions Draw an image to remember the root word definition Define each vocabulary word, make sure the definition for the vocabulary words matches the root word definition Synonym and antonym for each vocabulary word scope Root Word Definition: a means for viewing Vocabulary Words: micro...
It is often said that a slang term stops to be slang when it is "accepted by the dictionary". This is not really the case. You will find many slang terms listed in dictionaries are still slang terms. The term stops to be slang when it drives its respectable synonym (同义词) out of...
from gflags 1.7. In particular, I've kept the code in the namespacegoogle, though in a future version it should be renamed togflags. I've also kept the/usr/local/include/google/subdirectory as synonym of/usr/local/include/gflags/, though the former name has been obsolete for some time ...
I've also kept the /usr/local/include/google/ subdirectory as synonym of /usr/local/include/gflags/, though the former name has been obsolete for some time now. 18 January 2011 The google-gflags Google Code page has been renamed to gflags, in preparation for the project being renamed to ...