Certain semipredictable long-run bureaucratic problems can be anticipated and certain safeguards installed, though their effectiveness is always somewhat unpre- dictable. Regulatory agencies might become captive of the firms and other inter- ests they regulate. Rent-seeking is the common name for this...
While these errors can cause problems in the downstream steps of the pipeline, these rather small mistakes can be corrected, either manually or via a (semi)automatic method. Data Preprocessing: Raman spectroscopy is subject to several types of distortions, which might compromise the model’s ...
The Optojump-Next Microgate tool (Optojump, Bolzano, Italy) and program were used to test reaction time (Microgate, Italy). The athletes, standing in a semi-squat position (approximately 120–140°) with their hands on the waist and feet at shoulder width, were asked to jump as soon as ...
) The eighth tone in the scale; the interval between one and eight of the scale, or any interval of equal length; an interval of five tones and two semitones. Octave (n.) The whole diatonic scale itself. Octave (n.) The first two stanzas of a sonnet, consisting of four verses ...
Semi-quantifying the grey value on ELISA blots representing each cytokine present in the supernatant, we confirmed high IL-6, IL-8, CCL2, GRO and TIMP2 protein levels, indicating a possible function in recruiting immune suppressive cells but not in angiogenesis (Fig. 5C). Further, we ...
Semi-quantifying the grey value on ELISA blots representing each cytokine present in the supernatant, we confirmed high IL-6, IL-8, CCL2, GRO and TIMP2 protein levels, indicating a possible function in recruiting immune suppressive cells but not in angiogenesis (Fig. 5C). Further, we ...