root->left = temp_ptr; root->right = iter->second; root->left->addr = width_sum; //cout << iter->second->width << '%'; width_sum += iter->second->width; struct_stack.push(root); } //cout<<endl; while (struct_stack.size() >= 1) { //cout<<struct_stack.size()<<endl...
一、#define 在题主的例子的这种用法里, 它就是个文本替换工具, 预处理器完成的, 无脑替换, 跟word里的replace一模一样, 不关编译器的事. 只需要注意下面几点: 1.宏定义 当替换列表中含有多个字符的时候,最好的将替换列表用圆括号括起来。也可以定义一些简单的函数,但因为只是简单的替换,有时候会发生一些错误...
38. affix: the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme(the root or stem). 39. derivation: different from compounds,derivation shows the relation between roots and affixes. 40. root: the base from of a word that cannot further be ...
Assess model fit: evaluate how well the CSEM model fits the data using various fit indices, such as chi-square, the Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), etc. Refine and modify: if necessary, refine the model by modifying paths, adding or removing ...