A self propelled reel pipelaying ship, having forward, midship, and stern sections, and baseline, tank top, and main deck levels, comprising substantially longitudinal outer hull members and port and starboard side inner longitudinal bulkheads, each extending substantially the length of the ship, ...
A self propelled reel pipelaying ship, having forward, midship, and stern sections, and baseline, tank top, and main deck levels, comprising substantially longitudinal outer hull members and port and starboard side inner longitudinal bulkheads, each extending substantially the length of the ship, th...
For beacons and range lights marking the entrance to a channel, for instance a pair occurring on the port and starboard side of the entrance, or for range lights occurring in pairs, each of the lights is considered a separate entity, provided that each of the lights is duly designated and...
However, considering the human psychology, when the most dangerous encountering situation is coming, the officer frequently commands “Hard port” or “Hard starboard”. This is the main reason for the advance distance of turning circles of the target ship and own ship which become the first and...
The mast resting device has two side rods (7) to fix the standing mast (5) on the strain structure principle in the lower part. The feet of the two rods are fixed at the sides on the port and starboard sides and their heads are connected to an axis on which the mast turns. The ...