Every object-oriented programming language must acquire some features like inheritance, use of class & objects, polymorphism, encapsulation, data abstraction. These features make the differentiation between a procedural and an object-oriented language. High-level languages like Java and Python allow th...
Define polymorphism and how is used in OOP. What do you mean by memory unit? Determine the values of the following integer expressions : a. 3+4*6 b. 3*4/6+6 c. 2*3/12*8/4 d.10*(1+7*3) e. 20-2/6+3 f. 20-2/(6+3) g. (20-2)/6+3 h. (20-2)/(6+3) i. 50...
In OpenXava context a business component is a Java class (althought also exists a XML version) that contains all needed information about a business concept that allows you to create applications on it. For example, all needed information that the system has to know about the concept of ...
Polymorphism When you choose aninheritance strategythat supports polymorphic queries, your query selects all instances of the specified class and its subclasses. With themodelin the example for this blog post, you can, for example, select allPublicationentities, which are eitherBookorBlogPostentities....
Polymorphism Definition: Literally "many forms", this powerful feature allows us to have the same method take on different meanings depending on which class is instantiated. An example might be an abstract idea called a shape. The shape could have two characteristics: area and perimeter. There co...
Define inheritance, polymorphism and how they are used in python? (a) What is a constructor in java? Explain. (b) Give an example. Write a Python class definition for an Employee object that contains the following elements. Attributes: id. name. wag...
Explain with an example how a two-dimensional array can be passed to a Method. What are some of the differences between query languages and programming languages that you might be familiar with? What are the types of data ...