Plant-based diet adherence is associated with metabolic health status in adults living with and without obesity dietary patterns, reflecting dietary quality, healthfulness and inflammatory potential, and metabolic health phenotypes in adults living with and without obesity... MT Carey,SR Millar,PS Ellio...
The association of components of a plant-based diet with T2D risk was examined in three US prospective cohorts: the NHS1, the NHS2 and the HPFS. In pooled multivariable-adjusted analysis, a diet low in animal foods that emphasizes plant foods is associated with a reduction of about 20% in...
1). In a study of the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) from bone collagen of these foxes, their diet was reconstructed. While no anthropogenic influence on the diet of red and Arctic foxes was found in the MIS 4 layers that are associated with Neanderthal occupation,...
In contrast to related fields such as plant-pathogen interactions, the molecular relationships that determine (in)compatibility of plant-aphid interactions are relatively poorly understood. Specific resistance to plant pathogens frequently involves recognition of pathogen effectors, often by resistance proteins...
A BALANCED DIET FOR DOGS INCLUDES GRAINS Many people believe dogs are carnivores. In fact,dogs are omnivores, and even wolves in the wild derive nutrition from both plant and animal sources. Are humans omnivores or herbivores? Humans are definitely omnivores. The best evidence is our teeth: we...
Explain what its primary function is in plant growth and development. Explain the nitrogen cycle with examples. What is the role of water in cycles of matter? How does it affect it and how important is it? Describe iron cycling that would likely occur where a...
has been properly described (Catenibacterium mitsuokai), and a study with humanized mice fed with a “western” diet revealed an increased representation of Catenibacterium mitsuokai, in the fecal samples of these animals when compared with mice fed with a low fat/plant polysaccharide diet [37...
Furthermore, the metabolic changes during fruit ripening in tomato species also represent one of the key targets for the design of future genetics-based metabolic engineering. In addition, these approaches could be applied to any important plant species to define the function of specific metabolites ...
Preplant tillage was the principle factor distinguishing the no-tillage and chisel-tillage conventional systems, but this variable had no significant effect on yield in either corn or soybeans. Rotational diversity (as quantified by the number of rotational years without a row crop) was the ...
Adipocytes and adipose tissue are virus depots and sources of inflammatory adipokines, and can contribute to COVID-19 severity in obese patients59,60. To query the in vivo significance of SPEAR in the context of obesity, mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) were investigated. EPRS1 binding to th...