The definition of bitterness is the emotional state of feeling distressed disappointment from unmet expectations or having the perception of being treated unfairly. When a person allows this feeling to fester, the negative emotional mood can spill over to create physical health problems. Research shows...
) The doctrine of those who deny a supernatural agency in the miracles and revelations recorded in the Bible, and in spiritual influences; also, any system of philosophy which refers the phenomena of nature to a blind force or forces acting necessarily or according to fixed laws, excluding ...
Cousins' perspective is formed by his faith and those who have kept him grounded through his first six years in the NFL. Clinging to his role as an underdog is a large part of Cousins' identity, though the perception of that narrative has been changed by his three-...
) Perception of everything. Omnipercipient (a.) Perceiving everything. Omnipotence (n.) Alt. of Omnipotency Omnipotency (n.) The state of being omnipotent; almighty power; hence, one who is omnipotent; the Deity. Omnipotency (n.) Unlimited power of a particular kind; as, love's ...