L_GetBitmapStatisticsInfo L_GetBitmapYUVData L_GetComment L_GetCSVOptions L_GetCurvePoints L_GetDecryptOptions L_GetDefaultJ2KOptions L_GetDefaultLoadFileOption L_GetDefaultSaveFileOption L_GetDisplayMode L_GetDOCOptions L_GetEmfHandleFromRtf L_GetExcelOptions L_GetExtensionAudio L_GetExtensionMim...
list_introspectionLets the user read introspection settings and statistics for indexers, search, processors, queues, etc.X list_metrics_catalogLets the user query for lists of metrics catalog information such as metric names, dimensions, and dimension values.XXX ...
Journal of Statistics Education (Online), 18, 2. www.amstat.org/publications/jse/v18n2/kaplan.pdfKaplan, J. J., Fisher, D. G., & Rogness, N. T. (2010). Lexical ambiguity in statistics: how students use and define the words: association, average, confidence, random and spread. ...
Full-blown methodology to calculate emissions from energy consumed has already been developed, thus what we need is energy statistics, which has a solid data foundation in China. Sectors reclassified With consideration for consistency in industry classification, we chose input–output tables from China...
The operational data represents the interface statistics, memory utilization, errors, and so on. NETCONF uses an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based data encoding for the configuration data, as well as protocol messages. It uses a simple RPC-based (Remote Procedure Cal...
Statistics Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism 6 software (GraphPad software, San Diego, CA, USA). Categorical variables were compared using a two-tailed Fisher exact test for 2 Â 2 contingency tables or Chi-square analysis for larger tables. Continuous variables were compared...
Subsequently, alignment statistics can be generated using RNA-SeQC for quality control of these aligned reads. Preliminary quality control of sequencing reads was determined by the Phred scoring system. A Phred score of a base is: Qphred=−10log10e, where e is the error probability. Sequence...
These statistics suggest that there is often a missing link between employers and training programs. Source: Sheena McConnell, Irma Perez-Johnson, and Jillian Berk, "Proposal 9: Providing Disadvantaged Workers with Skills to Succeed in the Labor Market," in Policies to Address Poverty in America,...
dark grey (CBM6) bar at the end of the Scaffolds. The bar at the bottom of the image indicates the scale in terms of 500 Kb of the chromosome bars Full size image Table 2 Genome assembly statistics of the two sequenced strains ofN. bracarensisand the genome of the type strain ...
Support for this project was provided by research funding from Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan, and the National Environmental Science Programme of the Australian Department of the Environment and Energy and is gratefully acknowledged. We thank staff at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Victorian Depa...