When you change a purchase order, the following field selection keys are combined for the fieldTerms of payment: In field selection key 1 (transaction), this field is an optional field In field selection key 2 (activity type - Change ACTV), this field is an optional field In field selecti...
How to Define Customer Hierarchy in SAP? Please follow the steps below to define the customer hierarchy in your SAP system: Enter t-codeSPROin the SAP Command Field and then pressEnterbutton toExecute. Now onCustomizing: Execute Projectscreen click theSAP Reference IMGbutton to proceed. Next, ...
For example, Ram is Bill to party (standard partner function) for Rohit means that Ram will perform all the payment transactions on the behalf of Rohit as his partner function. SAP Standard Partner Functions The following standard partner functions defined in the SAP system: Partner functions for...