microinvasive glaucoma surgeryMIGSGlaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing. The aim of the present review is to describe the current medical and surgical treatment trends in the management of open-angle glaucoma. There has been an increase...
-oma () A suffix used in medical terms to denote a morbid condition of some part, usually some kind of tumor; as in fibroma, glaucoma. Omagra (n.) Gout in the shoulder. Omahas (n. pl.) A tribe of Indians who inhabited the south side of the Missouri River. They are now partly ...
Topics discussed include the division of the condition into primary congenital glaucoma and juvenile open-angle glaucoma, and the four subgroups under the former such as glaucoma linked to non-acquired ocular anomalies, and systemic...
microinvasive glaucoma surgeryMIGSTrabeculectomy -with or without anti-fibrotics and glaucoma drainage device implantation remain the most commonly performed surgical procedures for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma, both being incisional, ab externo surgeries. Many studies have confirmed good efficacy ...