8. 45kb I define nationalism as the belief that people with a common language, heritage and culture should be able to maintain their differences from other groups. 我对民族主义的定义是一种信念,即认为拥有共同语言、遗产和文化的人们应该能够保持他们与其他群体的差异。 9. 45kb As China evolv...
Lecture 1 Suggestions: 左金梅《美国文学》青岛海洋出版社(条理较 好); 李公昭《 20 世纪美国文学导论》(可以帮助理解 20 世纪美国文学); 吴伟仁《美国文学史及选读》(很多学校考研的 指定书目,但过于简单) Lecture 1 Assessment: Class attendance, participation and presentation, 20% homework, 20% ...