Can you define metaphor for me? 1 Detail A minor or an inconsequential item or aspect; a minutia Skipped the details to get to the main point. Define To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word, for example). Detail A minute or thorough treatment or account Went into...
with all the emblematical metaphor a man of his status can master, he recited a prayer – I will wake up in the middle of the night, and pray for you in a way I have never prayed before I stayed there in that line until we exchanged amen and for once I was in love with everyth...
Most importantly, minimalists are courageous enough to hit reset on their lives at any given momentwhen they sense complexity has crept back in. Minimalists live for a blank canvas. A cleared hard drive or whatever metaphor you want to use. Bottom line. Minimalists don’t settle, accept or...
This is a spatial metaphor: we can only see as far as the horizon, but no further. Our horizon can expand, especially when it comes to understanding history in the light of new information, but ultimately we are always bound to some limits, beyond which we cannot see. The next genre-...
Well, zombies are a very potent metaphor for human deadness. They’re empty, soulless vessels, they lack empathy and have a basic inability to interact with the world around them. This idea really begins with [George A] Romero because before him, zombies were like voodoo entities that could...
However, it does not help to think in terms of deficit and excess when your problem is an already well-structured decision choice—for example, "Dump the dredging spoils either in the Bay or somewhere out in the Pacific Ocean." Nor does it help if your chal- lenge is to invent any ...
You can use analogy or metaphor in the POV, such as “Personal music player as jewellery”. Or you can turn it into advertisement, which conclude descriptive characterization of a user,followed by “seeks” an ambiguous method to meet an implied need, plus additional flavor to capture your fi...
Example Usage 喻 yù to describe sth as an analogy a simile a metaphor an allegory 宇 yǔ room universe Example Usage 愈 Trad. 癒 yù variant of 愈[yu4] to heal Example Usage 愈 yù the more...(the more...) to recover to heal better 芋 yù taro Colocasia antiqu...
daybreak dawn the dawn of a new epoch (metaphor) Taiwan pr. [shu4] 登场 Trad. 登場 dēng chǎng to go on stage fig. to appear on the scene used in advertising to mean new product Example Usage 翻印 fān yìn reprint to reissue to publish a new edition 崭新 Trad. 嶄新 zh...
Bao Zheng (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty modern day metaphor for an honest politician 作茧自缚 Trad. 作繭自縛 zuò jiǎn zì fù to spin a cocoon around oneself (idiom); enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising hoist by his own petard 跃马 Trad. 躍馬 ...